Print Plus
Print only what matters! Make quick selections on a page and print only relevant sections of a web page. Save ink and paper!
Print only what matters! Make quick selections on a page and print only relevant sections of a web page. Save ink and paper!
The easiest way to print a page. One button, one click, no menu!
Always get the best deal! The Best Price will make you save time and money by comparing prices in real time, while shopping online.
Scrolls web pages smoothly when scrolling with the mouse wheel.
Get the best Google News notifier! Install it, and start receiving news based on your themes preferences.
Double click on any word within a page and get its definition in a small pop-up bubble!
Firebug is a tool to help you to monitor, develop and debug HTML, Javascript and CSS
A unique and time-saving way to read websites and social news in one place, using your browsing history.
iChrome allows you to bookmark and browse any iPhone version of a website. It's a cool way to stay connected with your favorite sites and use them as widgets, in one click.
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